Hivemind Times Issue #27

Welcome To The Hivemind Times!

Friends and distinguished colleagues, what is up doe? Detroit just got dumped on with about 8 inches of snow but I have dug myself out the hole and marched into my laptop to write you all another thrilling edition of the Hivemind Times. Last weekend Cronk took the reins on a project to immortalize an old friend of mine's uncle’s old rock band tape and man was that cool to hear, maybe you will even get a sneak peak of some Swanton hair metal. 

In other news the office has been ridden with illness yet again as the flu continues to have a breakout season so please all prayers are appreciated. The sickest thing though will most definitely be this week’s Quinn fit pic. Hope everyone is ready for a lovely Valentine's day and remember I love you or whatever.

- Riley & Graydon


Hey all!

Last week, I transferred Graydon's buddy's late uncle's band's cassette tape from the early '90s and have been messing around with some plugins like iZotope RX to make it sound as good as possible. However, I figured I would share the project with y'all straight off the tape with minimal processing. Check it out here 

- Cronk


Movie suggestions from the gang

Tony - Redline (2009)

Graydon - Incendies (2010)

Cronk - Mulholland Dr (1999)

Grant - 2022 World Cup Final

Quinn - Possum (2018)

Riley - Palm Springs (2020)


10 things about having the flu they didn’t teach you in school

  1. Can openers are super useful (own one)

  2. Forks are genius if you really think about it

  3. You can plug in a tv and turn it on and that makes it work

  4. This is a set up

  5. I want to lift up a rock and find something alive

  6. I should put that hat on

  7. What is cardboard

  8. The man made that lake

  9. Who’s asking

  10. Roofs seem okay from a distance

- Grant


I know everyone here has probably heard of Sade and I think the majority of you probably already like plenty of her tunes and records. For those who have only dabbled, there is no better place to start than my favorite and her first album, Diamond Life.

I fell deeply in love with this record in 2019 and I think it's one of the best songwriting showcases of all time. Years if not decades ahead (or behind?) its time, Sade writes some of the most sophisticated songs about complex emotional and social issues with a sonic palate so clean, smooth and tasteful it can be listened to in nearly any setting.

This time of year just feels right to be slightly introspective and sexy and cool too. If you’ve never heard it in full I envy you and please enjoy each second. If you have heard, give it a spin back for ya boy.

- Graydon



Sturgis Rally Hat - $10 from antique store in Oklahoma

Black Cross Necklace - $15

Legalize Nuclear Bombs Tee - $30

Ecco Unltd Vintage Zip-up Black - $35

Ryder Studios Bondage Jacket - $150

Tripp Bondage Pant Black - $100

Swear Amazon Platform Sneakers - $200

Bluechew Prescription Bag - $20/Month


God Damn Superbowl Pot Roast

I cooked two fat bastards for all my lovely friends that came over for the big ol game. Man was this easy and I highly suggest making one for a group while it is still cold out.

What you need…

Buy the fattest chuck roast in sight with bones
Onion soup mix
Bag of baby carrots 
Two stalks of celery chunked up
Garlic (a ton)
Bay leaves
A whole yellow onion 
Yukon gold potatoes I’ve found work best because they hold up 
A cup of a red wine blend
A lil beef broth
Worcestershire sauce

What you’ll do…

Just sear your roast for three/four minutes a side on high heat with oil till it gets a good crust

Then sauté the onions and garlic in that meat pan 

Meat in pot first then aromatics then everything else 

I ripped it on high for the first two hours then put it on low for six more NEVER OPENING IT ONCE

By 8pm the bones pulled right out and the meat was SUCCULENT let me tell ya.

Get a nice lil baguette or loaf and enjoy that nap.

- Graydon